VESmail Account Manager
Email Provider Settings Advanced
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If your email is used as an Apple ID, you need to login to your Apple account and generate an app specific password to be used for VESmail. Follow the below steps to do so.
  1. Go to the and and log into your apple account.
  2. The manage page automatically opens - go the the Sign-In & Security section and under the App-Specific Passwords sub-section, select the + sign
  3. Type in a name for this App password - we suggest using “VESmail", and select the blue Create button.
  4. Copy the generated password and paste it into the below Password: field.
If your email is used as an Yahoo account, you need to sign in to your Yahoo account and generate an app specific password to be used for VESmail. Follow the below steps to do so.
  1. Sign in to the your Yahoo security page.
  2. Scroll down to the Other ways to sign in section and select the blue link: Generate and manage app passwords.
  3. Enter an App name for the password - we recommend “VESmail” - then select the blue Generate password button.
  4. Copy the generated password and paste it into the below Password: field, and click the Verify Settings button.
If your email is used as an AOL account, you need to sign in to your AOL account and generate an app specific password to be used for VESmail. To do this follow the below instructions.
  1. Sign in to your AOL Account Security page.
  2. Scroll down to the App Password section and Select Generate app password or Generate and manage app passwords.
  3. Enter your app’s name in the text field.
  4. Select Generate password.
  5. Copy the generated app password.
  6. Paste it into the below Password: field.
If you cannot retrieve your email password from the email app on this device, you may need to either contact your service provider or reset your password and then type it into the Password: field below, or the Password: fields in the Advanced> section of Email Provider Settings.
Only the admin can make changes to this profile
Reconnect if either above status is red:
VESmail Settings
Email App Setup Advanced

Select the Advanced > option to the right of the Email App Setup title, to view the setting you’ll need to paste into your email client.

Email Provider Settings
IMAP (Incoming Mail)
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As you change the items below you can see the real time status of your VESmail app connection to your email server via monitoring the round status indicators located below. Green indicates a successful connection and red indicates a connection failure.
Connection Security Type:
Connection Security Level:
SMTP (Outgoing Mail)
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As you change the items below you can see the real time feedback of your email connection status by monitoring the status light located below the last entry field. You will either see a green success light or a red error light.
Connection Security Type:
Connection Security Level:
VESmail Settings
VES e2e Encryption
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We highly recommend using the AUTO setting. As an email is sent, VESmail decides how the VES encryption is used based on the below settings. AUTO is the most convenient for all VESmail and non-VESmail recipients, and hence the sender by not having to deal with agitated Inactive & non-VESmail recipients who must perform extra steps to read the encrypted emails, or don’t even get the email.
Account & Connection
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Disconnecting from an enterprise will change your account to Personal. To connect to another enterprise, and convert your account from Personal back to Enterprise, you will need to use a link sent in an email to this email account from the administrator of the enterprise to which you wish to connect.
Settings for an Email App
IMAP (Incoming Mail)
SMTP (Outgoing Mail)
Connection Issue
This VESmail account is currently a Personal account, but this page is attempting to connect it to Enterprise This account is currently linked to Enterprise unknown host, making it an Enterprise account. This Account Manager page to which you are attempting to connect is for Personal accounts, not Enterprise accounts.
Action needed
VESmail Account Manager did not properly connect to your local VESmail app so this Account Manager page is connecting using an external VESmail instance in place of your local VESmail app.
Action needed
OPTION 1: You should choose this option unless you are 100% sure why you should not. Close this page. Open your local VESmail app and select the ADD EMAIL button to regenerate a new version of this page that is properly connected to the VESmail app through SNIF.
OPTION 2: If you are 100% sure this is the correct thing to do, proceed in using this connection.
You are attempting to connect directly to the remote Public VESmail instance by bypassing the local VESmail app on your device.
Action needed
OPTION 1: You should always use the VESmail app unless you cannot use the app on your device. Close this page. Download and open the VESmail app, then select the ADD EMAIL button to regenerate a new version of the Acccount Manager page that is properly connected to the VESmail app through SNIF.
OPTION 2: If you cannot use the VESmail app on this device, using the Public VESmail instance is a good second choice as it gives you essentially-end-to-end-encryption (ee2ee) as opposed to technically end-to-end-encryption. Continue with this option or learn more about ee2ee.
You are trying to connect with an Enterprise instance of which you are not on the access list.
Action needed
OPTION 1: If you are sure this email account should be connected to an Enterprise, contact the appropriate Enterprise/email Administrator for further steps.
OPTION 2: If this email address is a Personal account, or if it doesn't pertain to this Enterprise, close this page, open the VESmail app on this device and select the ADD EMAIL button to generate the appropriate Account Manager page for this email address.
This VESmail Account is disabled


Select Instance
Select a VESmail instance to proceed with.